We have been on holiday this week, our first actual holiday since arriving in NZ. We have spent the week at home and being tourists in Auckland. Nicky has unpacked and shelved the vast majority of our books during the week. We have put the metal shelving in the garage because it has a concrete floor, is weather proof, easy access from the house, and leaves us more space in the living areas.
We have however, done a few other things too. On Tuesday we went to the museum (Claire was on duty there in the afternoon) to see Sue the T-Rex which was interesting. It was a mighty big beast and this skeleton is the most complete one which has been found. Nicky and I then went off to Sylvia Park so that Nicky could have a steroid injection into her shoulder. Sylvia Park is a big shopping centre, with other community facilities such as medical centres so we had a wander round before departing to collect Claire from the museum. On the way we popped into Ubertec to drop in my Mac as it developed a video problem last week.
On Tuesday evening we went to the Bricklane pub quiz, the same place we went with Em and Shona, but this time we took the vicar with us, Sarah Hobbs. The first round was a Family Favourites style (apparently - never having watched it I couldn't dispute this fact), and we got 8 out of 10. We had decided to play our joker on the second round (books) to double any points we won - which turned out to be 8 from 8!!!! We were in the lead!!!! Course it went down hill from there. The "in the news and sports" round was particularly bad for us, but helped us secure a solid last place by the end of the evening. Never mind, we enjoyed ourselves.
Wednesday was quite bright in Blockhouse Bay, but by the time we were in town for the 1.30 harbour cruise it was quite over cast. Even so, it was an enjoyable trip and Auckland looks very good from the water (a few pics below). The free muffins were very nice, but the free coffee was only average. Some chaps from a new restaurant called Prohibition in Ponsonby were doing a promotion until Claire tried to pinch their gun.

Claire abandoned us in the evening in favour of her works' Christmas Doo at Genghis Khan, billed as a Mongolian Stir Fry restaurant. She enjoyed both the food and the company very much, and stayed sober as she was chauffeuring a number of people.
Thursday was a home day. I don't recall what Claire and I did while Nicky unpacked books, but I suspect it involved reading. Friday morning I was modelling in Ponsonby, so Nicky and Claire came and collected me and we went to Devonport and had a lovely alfresco lunch with Letty Dudding. We had a bit of a wander after lunch and then went up North Head, which was fantastic as the sun was shinning and the wind wasn't too strong (more pics below).

We have had a quiet and domestic weekend. Steve and Ros came over Saturday to play Scrabble and help me test some barbeque fuel. I have been having problems getting the briquettes from the supermarket to light, but offered Claire a barbe for her birthday, so I found a barbe shop in Henderson and bought some different charcoals from them. These proved to be much more successful, so we had honeyed steak, lamb chops and sausages with salad and kumera chips.
The weather has turned wet today, Sunday, but hopefully the sun will be back with us soon.
Bye for now,
We have however, done a few other things too. On Tuesday we went to the museum (Claire was on duty there in the afternoon) to see Sue the T-Rex which was interesting. It was a mighty big beast and this skeleton is the most complete one which has been found. Nicky and I then went off to Sylvia Park so that Nicky could have a steroid injection into her shoulder. Sylvia Park is a big shopping centre, with other community facilities such as medical centres so we had a wander round before departing to collect Claire from the museum. On the way we popped into Ubertec to drop in my Mac as it developed a video problem last week.
On Tuesday evening we went to the Bricklane pub quiz, the same place we went with Em and Shona, but this time we took the vicar with us, Sarah Hobbs. The first round was a Family Favourites style (apparently - never having watched it I couldn't dispute this fact), and we got 8 out of 10. We had decided to play our joker on the second round (books) to double any points we won - which turned out to be 8 from 8!!!! We were in the lead!!!! Course it went down hill from there. The "in the news and sports" round was particularly bad for us, but helped us secure a solid last place by the end of the evening. Never mind, we enjoyed ourselves.
Wednesday was quite bright in Blockhouse Bay, but by the time we were in town for the 1.30 harbour cruise it was quite over cast. Even so, it was an enjoyable trip and Auckland looks very good from the water (a few pics below). The free muffins were very nice, but the free coffee was only average. Some chaps from a new restaurant called Prohibition in Ponsonby were doing a promotion until Claire tried to pinch their gun.

Claire abandoned us in the evening in favour of her works' Christmas Doo at Genghis Khan, billed as a Mongolian Stir Fry restaurant. She enjoyed both the food and the company very much, and stayed sober as she was chauffeuring a number of people.
Thursday was a home day. I don't recall what Claire and I did while Nicky unpacked books, but I suspect it involved reading. Friday morning I was modelling in Ponsonby, so Nicky and Claire came and collected me and we went to Devonport and had a lovely alfresco lunch with Letty Dudding. We had a bit of a wander after lunch and then went up North Head, which was fantastic as the sun was shinning and the wind wasn't too strong (more pics below).

We have had a quiet and domestic weekend. Steve and Ros came over Saturday to play Scrabble and help me test some barbeque fuel. I have been having problems getting the briquettes from the supermarket to light, but offered Claire a barbe for her birthday, so I found a barbe shop in Henderson and bought some different charcoals from them. These proved to be much more successful, so we had honeyed steak, lamb chops and sausages with salad and kumera chips.
The weather has turned wet today, Sunday, but hopefully the sun will be back with us soon.
Bye for now,