We have moved

It has been a busy week, what with moving house and all, but it has gone well.

I took Thursday and Friday off work, and today (Monday) has been a public holiday, so that has given me time to get lots done, though there is still much to do in sorting things out in our new home.

Claire supervised two guys from Gilberts Cartage to start packing all the breakables and art on Wednesday. Then on Thursday morning four Gilberts guys arrived with 2 vans (one just took the stuff from the garage), finished the packing, and loaded all our stuff. A short drive up the road, lunch, and some rain and unloading the vans began. By about 4pm they were done, and Claire and I set about bringing some order to the place, and Nicky joined me when she had got back from work as Claire was at Whitcoulls.

On Friday I was on my own with both Nicky and Claire at work, doing lots of "moving house" errands along with more unpacking. On Saturday Nicky and I both unpacked at our new home, as well as cleaning at the old one. We felt very much in need of our monthly wallow in the hot pools at Parakai that evening.

Sunday was more old house cleaning, moving the compost, and new house unpacking, but we needed to be finished by 4pm to go to Auckland Grammar School. We had got tickets to be in the audience for a live debate being broadcast on Radio New Zealand in the run-up to the General Election on November 8th. It was a little like Radio 4's Question Time, but with a definite electioneering theme. The title for the debate was "our place in the world", which basically covered NZ's relationship with the global economy, trade development, and defence. It was an interesting and useful experience for us as we still feel very unfamiliar with NZ politics.

Monday has been Labour Day, the weather has been lovely, Nicky has been tidying up the garden at the old house, and Claire and I have been unpacking. We are stating to be a little more constructive about getting rid of things because this place is not as big as Matata Street, but it is much newer, has a form of heating (moving heat from the roof space into the house) which works well during autumn and spring apparently and seems to be well insulated. We now have two bathrooms with lovely showers, high quality modern fittings, and a light and airy living area.

We have had one of our old neighbours and the "new" vicar for tea and banana cake this afternoon. I have been trying to post some pictures but seem to be having a bit of trouble with the blog, so I am not sure if and where they will appear.

It is good to know that so many of you in different parts of the world still read this.

Bye for now,



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