September 28th

We have been visited again this week. It was Linda Speight this time, who is the daughter of friends of ours in Loughborough. Nicky and I meet her at the airport early on Tuesday morning before going off to work. She stayed with us for a couple of days, and managed to squeeze in a visit to the museum, a tour round downtown Auckland, and did the coast to coast walk. On Thursday she was collected by her fathers; cousin and has plans to tour NZ for a few weeks before returning to Auckland in November and then back to the UK. It was great to see her and having visitors from the UK is always a pleasure.

It has been another busy week work wise for all of us in our new routines. This has been my second week of working less hours at Ubertec and I am just about starting to get organised with using the time for my own business. Nicky had a really difficult day on Friday with things going wrong and being short staffed, but she is starting to settle in at Ranui.

We had an Ubertec social evening on Friday; bowling and pizza. I haven't bowled since injuring my elbow at Centre Parcs some years ago, and was just as bad as I used to be - I did OK at pizza eating thought.

Saturday was another busy day with us all working part or all of the day, so Nicky and I really enjoyed relaxing with our monthly visit to the hot pools at Parakia. Sunday has been a lovely day, even though it's an hour shorter with putting the clocks forward. It was cloudy early on with the sun breaking through every so often, but by lunchtime the cloud had gone and we have had blue sky and hot sun all afternoon. It has been great to relax together - as you can see the girls worked hard at it while I made lemon curd and did the laundry and ironing (I sneaked my time in the sun in earlier).

Nicky plans to visit Ruth again this week. She is still in hospital and even frailer than she was. Claire is staying with one of her friends for a couple of days while her friends' parents are away. I am hoping the weather continues to improve.

Bye for now,



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