Into August

Well, even though it is only just over a week since Emily and Shona left, it feels like a lot longer. We very much enjoyed having them to stay. There were a couple of other things related to their visit which I forgot to mention last week. When we were coming back through Auckland from Hungry Creek and I was pointing out the sights, for the first time Auckland felt like a place where I am living as opposed to a place that I am visiting. Then at the airport, for the first time that I can remember in many years, I didn't feel like getting on a 'plane and flying off somewhere. Perhaps my feet aren't as itchy as they used to be, or perhaps the thought of travelling again so soon after getting here requires too much effort. I don't know, but it was an interesting feeling.

Work has again been busy for all of us with Claire doing three extra shifts at Whitcoulls, Nicky doing her regular hours and some emergency cover, and me doing a couple of evenings too.

Our household and then me were picked at random from the nation to be one of 8,000 households to be involved in the NZ General Social Survey. This is a government survey to measure the social wellbeing of New Zealanders. the survey "collects information on a wide range of social topics such as health, housing, work, safety and security, leisure and recreation". The interviewer was a very friendly lady and I enjoyed doing the survey - I just wonder how my comments due to my recent arrival will skew the figures. The interviewer said she had also being a survey recently of new immigrants which she had found interesting, and many of my comments resonated with what other immigrants experienced.

And finally, I have bought myself a massage table this week. Nicky has already been my first willing volunteer. She managed to stay awake throughout but I feel I need more practice.

We are in for some more stormy weather apparently, though it has been a little warmer as the week has drawn to close.

Bye for now,



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