August 24th

Well I wasn't sure that I was going to get the blog written and posted tonight, as just I was dishing up the soup for tea (french onion) the power went out. We have candles, matches and torches in known places so we were quickly able to provide light, and the soup was still hot so that was OK. The power came back on a couple of hours later, but Nicky and I had already gone to bed, though Claire was still up. However, I decided that should rise so that you, dear reader, do not miss out, and so that I could have a shower.

It has not been an exciting week. Work has been much the same, but Nicky has been suffering from quite a bad cold. She hasn't taken any time off work, but it has made her feel rotten. The first thing she wanted when the power came back was the vapouriser putting on! I am still working my way through the 44 Scotland Street books and enjoying them very much.

We had a very good evening last night (Sat) - Paul and Jenny came over for diner. So more scintillating conversation to mask the over eating and a very nice bottle of wine consumed (courtesy of the guests).

Our major piece of news this week is that we have been told that we will not be able to renew our lease when it expires in October. Instead we will go onto a periodic monthly lease, as the landlord would like to move in sometime next year. It is not so much the prospect of finding somewhere else, but the thought of the upheaval when we have been here so little time. We were hoping to renew for another 2 years, but it is not to be. However, now we both have jobs we are going to consider buying as well as renting, it just depends on the funding.

We have had plenty more rain this week, more to come, and a cold snap on the way apparently too. It is my sisters birthday today so I shall give her a call in a couple of minutes when I have posted this.

Bye for now,



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