May 18th

I am not trying to get into a fortnightly updating habit, honest, that is just the way it is happening at the moment. Our lives seem very busy and finding time to sit and write isn't as easy as I would like it to be. Anyway....

Nicky has started doing her regular Monday at New Lynn library, and this week starts her regular Thurs/Fri/Sat at Henderson. She will still be on emergency cover for Tues/Wed and Sun. She is still being paid at casual rate which is a little higher than permanent rate because it has an allowance for holidays. Once she starts being paid as permanent staff she will get a paid holidays instead. So, she is looking forward to having 30 regular hours each week, and we think that she will no longer be doing Thursday evenings at Henderson.

Claire is doing some extra hours at Whitcoulls, namely all day Friday in addition to Thurs evening and all day Saturday. She is also doing a couple of Sundays and a Monday but doesn't think that these will become regular. There are major changes starting at the museum, but these currently just appear to be affecting the staff, not the volunteers.

My work at Ubertec continues to occupy me during the day. I have also done some more MacOnSite work, and had two modelling jobs this week - Monday at Hungry Creek and Saturday at the Kumeu Arts Centre. Both were good and I enjoyed them, the Kumeu one particularly as it wasn't a teaching session- the artists were there for own pleasure and had clear ideas about what they wanted so it was quite interactive which I enjoyed.

Nickys' tooth where she had a filling a few weeks ago is still giving her a lot of pain. Her dentist wants a second opinion and has referred her to a place on Green Lane but she hasn't got an appointment yet.

Last weekend Claire and I went to an immigrants fair which was small but quite interesting. It was also near the Sylvia Park mall where we had been told the Pak 'N Save supermarket had a British section. We found this wasn't quite the case but did find a good number of British products in various places, We came away armed with a nice large jar of Branston Pickle and a Yorkie bar.

This week Nicky and Claire have been to an open day at Nickys' old school which they both enjoyed very much. Claire thought she might have enjoyed it as much as the Convent had she had the opportunity to go.

Finally the weather. It has been much dryer this week with clear sky is giving us single digit temperatures at night, and some times a mist in the morning. The sun soon burns this off as though we now only get a few hours of sunshine, the sun is still warm and if you are out in it you still don't need a jumper. I was walking to the swimming pool in Parnell on Thursday after work wearing just my polo shirt (and trousers of course!). Inside the house however, it is cold because of the lack of insulation. The sun does warm parts up a bit but the warmth doesn't stay long.

Nicky is making scones and the smell is making me hungry, so I'm off now. Will try and write again next weekend!



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