The Streets of San Francisco

Our first experiences of San Francisco were not brilliant. When we arrived on Saturday night we were all tired and hungry. We found a Denny's by the hotel which Claire warned us was towards the lower end of the market - which turned out to be true. Our view of it became worse as time has gone on because we have had much better meals elsewhere for a very similar price.

Sunday was cloudy, windy and cooler than we had experienced in the US previously. The crowds were thick on Fisherman's Wharf, the place was dirty, and tourists exploitation was everywhere. We had a walk round but were not inspired, so we took a tram downtown which was good. Nicky went and greatly enjoyed an Asian Art exhibition, while Claire and I walked to the Apple Store. The store itself was good, but walking there up Market Street I was surprised how many homeless people and drunks there were, and how much stuff they all had. At various times in the day both Nicky and I felt uncomfortable, and for the first time in the US, unsafe.

However, we all met up again and went and had an excellent dinner at the Hard Rock café, and Claire acquired a very nice T-shirt. We were all very tired so retired to be early.



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