
It has been a hectic, tiring and emotional week. The packers (2 men) arrived just after 8 on Monday morning. They started in the dining room but were called away to another job mid-morning. We started to get things out of the loft but ran out of space on the landing.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we has 4 guys packing (the crew) and they finally finished around 10 on Thursday morning. At 10.30 the container arrived and within 3 hours was packed. At 2.00 it started its' journey to Tilbury, and from there to the other side of the world - we hope! The rest of Thursday and Friday were spent continuing to clear the loft. It is now empty, but much of it is still in the house and awaiting trips to the dump and charity shops. We are also leaving some toys for the new arrivals.

We hope to finish clearing and tidying on Saturday, and be in Farnborough for lunch on Sunday.



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