New development

 Liam, our new next door neighbour who bought Jacqui’s section, took delivery of his tiny home on wheels yesterday lunchtime. Unfortunately we were both out at the time so didn’t get to see it being delivered. It sits right at the front of the section and the back of it faces the road. The front is the most attractive side:

We are looking forward to having a closer look.

Our weather has been largely warm and sunny again this week, reaching 29º on Tuesday. I have been busy sailing six days, and on Monday did my 400th trip up and down the river. I think I know the way now.

Also on Monday Nicky made carrot cakes for David’s and Frances’s birthdays, and I made steak and venison pie for us to share with them for dinner. We had a lovely evening following the pie and the Louisa plum crumble which Nicky had also made. Frances particularly enjoyed trying possible mother-of-the bride outfits on from Nicky’s wardrobe. Her daughter gets married in May, and wants her mum to wear yellow.

We both shopped in town on Tuesday, and harvested the remaining damsons in the evening. There were even more than the first harvest and I think we have had about 12lb in total. Nicky made damson cheese, but the recipe didn’t call for butter or eggs so it is more like a runny jam. “Tasty As” though.

Our repaired roman blind for the bedroom was returned on Wednesday re-corded, after being collected on Monday. We quizzed in the evening disappointingly coming 6th with 83 points.

Laundry and grass cutting have been accomplished, along with weeding, planting and our routine commitments. I was acting bosun on Saturday while Bob and John (our Senior Engineer) attended the funeral of a well known local figure who was heavily involved with the Waimarie paddle steamer in the early years of its restoration from the river mud, along with Coast Guard and Sea Cadet involvement for many years. Unfortunately Bob was taken ill while at the funeral so I have been acting bosun again today.

This morning Nicky had a good morning at Christ Church with only needing to prepare the refreshments for after the 8.30a.m. service, and no responsibilities for the 10.00 service. It made a very nice change for her.

We have started watching The Crow Girl on the TVNZ+ streaming service and will probably continue this evening after eating tuna omelette and plum crumble.

Take care, Nicky and Rick.


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