Heads or Tails

Blog-wise it has been a short week with posting last Tuesday. Weather-wise is has been hot and sunny (until today) with temperatures reaching 29 and 30ยบ. While this has been great for drying the laundry, it has been too hot for Nicky to do any gardening in the middle of the day. It wasn’t cold in the Aramoho Library when she staffed it on Thursday. Our quiz season re-commenced this week and we started the year tying for first place. We therefore had to do a tie-breaker, but in getting the music for it organised on the display system, the question master (Pete) accidentally revealed the answer. A coin-toss was used instead and we lost. Even so, we were pleased with the 92 points. I have been busy sailing, doing one every day except Tuesday, and two on Saturday. On one of the river cruises there was a chap from Maltby, which will mean nothing to many of you. Maltby is a parish (pop. 16,000) near where I lived in my childhood. He remembers inter-school sports competitions with the tw...