It's Spring!

 Today is meteorologically the first day of spring, and the weather has got the memo. Blossom is in abundance all over Whanganui. Birdsong has changed to courting calls. Yesterday was warm (22º) and sunny, and while today has also been sunny it has been cooler due to the southerly breeze. In-between, we had a major thunder storm over night with many buckets of rain and quite a bit of lightning.

Nicky’s health has sufficiently improved this week for her to return to most of her regular duties. She is still not right but her coughing is much less and her energy levels are improving. On Wednesday she joined John and Danny to make a three person quiz team coming 5th with 95 points.

My recovery is lagging behind Nicky’s, as was my deterioration. My congestion is easing but my energy level are still variable. I have only been for a couple of amble’s this week and didn’t go to the quiz because I just didn’t feel well enough. I had a blood test on Monday to check my PSA level and a consultation with Dr Rose on Thursday to discuss the results and things look OK at the moment. By spreading it over three days I have managed to get all the grass cut, and noticed that its growth rate is picking up.

We have enjoyed a couple of good FaceTime chats this week: my sister Gill on Monday and Nicky’s niece Katharine this morning. Both have been having birthdays. On the telly we have enjoyed the “cosy” drama the Marlow Murder Club, and streamed season 1 of After the Flood as the PVR decided not to bother recording the second episode.

Persistent rain earlier in the week encouraged us to listen to more Harry Potter while working on jigsaws, and Nicky acquired a great new selection on Saturday from the Jigsaw Exchange. While she was out Nicky took advantage of a plant sale at the Springvale Garden Centre and got a good selection of new additions for the garden. The arum lilies have also realised that spring is coming and have produced some flowers this week:

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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