Tables Turned

While it has been a more routine week, there have been a couple of developments. We had always planned for the second bedroom, now known as The Room of Requirement, to be Nicky’s sewing room. Our hope had been that we could also use it as a guest bedroom. Unfortunately its limited size makes achieving these functions a challenge. In addition, since the early days of our living here we discovered what a lovely room it was to sit in. Many years ago when Nicky worked at the Sutton Bonnington campus of Nottingham University, the library had a re-fit. In the process the lovely big 6’x4’ oak tables were being thrown out. Nicky asked if she could have a couple as they would be just great for her to use for quilting and sewing. One weekend we hired a van and collected a couple. We didn’t start using them until we moved into Matata Street in Blockhouse Bay and set one up as our dinning table. After three years of trying to use them in the way we intended in The Room of Requirement and fail...