Whanganui Milk Run

Spring is coming to a close, so the weather is all over the place. Some days lovely sunshine and clear skies, some days overcast and penguin-cold southerlies, and some days just plain wet. The Portuguese laurel (which I call Stan for obvious reasons) is in full display mode, and the Tiger lilies have noticed the sunshine: It has been a generally routine week for both of us. Nicky’s vestry meeting was preceded by a meal (very good apparently), and she had five visitors to the Aramoho library. I have cut grass, cleaned gutters and swept the outside of the house. There have been a few notable occasions. We came first at the quiz this week with 107 points, winning by 3. On Thursday evening an old crown of Nicky’s came out whilst she was flossing, so had the be re-cemented by the dentist on Friday. She also had a very busy evening on Friday serving and undertaking kitchen duties at a fundraising church banquet event. She didn’t get home until after midnight and is still tired now. Also...