The dangers of yoga

 Our main activities this week have been gardening and sailing. Nicky has spent as much time as possible in the garden, weeding and tidying, ready for the Arthritis Amble on the 23rd. The impact on the garden is noticeable. I have also been out with the line trimmer, as the combination of warm sunshine and a couple of days with quite a bit of rain has encouraged growth, including the damsons which have begun to colour:

I have sailed most days, apart from my day off on Tuesday, and Wednesday. It was too windy with edge of Hale wreaking havoc across Aotearoa. So far our summer has been pretty wet.

Nicky had a routine doctors appointment, I had a B12 injection and also saw the optician. My left eye had been causing me some concern, but things are now improving naturally, as he thought they would.

We went to the cinema on cheap Tuesday ($10) to see The Lost King. This was partially because it had a good review in The Listener but mainly because of us living near Leicester for many years. Richard III’s body was found under a Leicester car park in 2012. We really enjoyed the film and the way the story was told, along with seeing familiar sights in Leicester and Edinburgh. They brought back many memories.

The final series of Happy Valley started on the TV this week, and we were greatly amused (or diverted as Jane Austin would say) by Sarah Lancashire’s character’s exposition on the relationship between yoga and climate change. For those of you not familiar with it, Happy Valley is an excellent, though gritty, police drama.

The edge of the tropical cyclone Hale that began our week has passed, and the weekend has been warm and sunny. Summer doesn’t quite seem to have settled in yet and the change in the weather patterns is a regular topic of conversation, even for Kiwi’s.

Take care, Rick and Nicky


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