Blursday again

 Welcome Dear Reader, to 2023. It would appear to be five years since the first blog post of the year was also the first day of the year. This might explain why I don’t remember it.

With the Christmas and New Year holidays, and a different work schedule for me, I have really lost track of which day was which this week. Today hasn’t felt like a Sunday, or any other day of the week for that matter! However, it has felt much more like summer, with some hot and sunny days.

I was working on the paddle steamer on Boxing Day (Monday), and also on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and today. We are now sailing six days a week until the end of March. The view in the sunshine while waiting to cast off is lovely:

I had a treat on Monday - blowing the whistle for the first time. I took the helm just as we were passing the holiday park and the skipper suggested I let Nicky know we were in the vicinity. He could see her waiving from our garden, and she could see someone waving on the boat but didn’t know it was the skipper. She was having a busy day doing laundry, and having our next door neighbour and his mother (who is visiting from Lebanon) over for morning tea. In the evening we went over to Lyn’s to see her garden lights.

Gardening was Nicky’s main occupation on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I also did some strimming and routine maintenance. On Thursday Nicky did a little more gardening and we prepared for the family gathering in Ohakune. We had offered to provide dinner as we live the closest, so produced roast chicken, potato and green salads, Christmas cake and pecan pie (Kentucky style). We drove up to the ski lodge in the afternoon, Pat, Clem, Phil and Shani arriving before us. The rest of the family who were attending arrived in time for dinner. I drove back home to Whanganui in the late evening. With working on the steamer I chose to stay home to have a much shorter commute.

Nicky has been playing games, going for walks, reading and chatting along with enjoying all the lovely food. I was expecting a quiet few days but was being naive. On Friday I had two visits from Frances and her granddaughter Phoenix, and made another dozen mince pies. On Saturday Paul and Jason (from Auckland) paid a short visit before I went to a BBQ at the Rostrum’s. I arranged to have dinner with Paul and Jason this evening at the Rutland Arms, from where I have just returned. It was good to see then again and I thoroughly enjoyed my fish and chips. So much for p&q.

An amusing idea that Kat and Israel introduced us to on Christmas Day was naming the dishwasher. We have always named our cars but I had never thought about naming kitchen appliances. They call theirs Gladys, which I think is a great name for a dishwasher.

I must off to bed.

We wish you all a very happy New Year.

Rick and Nicky 


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