Stop engine's!

We began this week with the Arthritis Amble Open Garden Day. The cool clear start of the morning turned into a lovely sunny day with a cooling breeze. I helped with a bit of setting up before going off to work, and our three volunteers (Elaine, Lyn and Jacqui) were great. Jacqui stayed a little longer than her shift so that I could shower and change on my return from sailing. We had around 260 people view the garden, lots of good positive comments, and the day as a whole raised around $9400. We didn’t have a period between 9.45am and 4.15pm without at least one visitor. By the end of the event we were both very tired so sat down with a pot of tea, followed by a range of left-overs for tea. Today, along with most of the other garden owners and helpers, we have visited most of the ten gardens in the Whanganui Arthritis Amble as we did last year. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing the variety of gardens which people had created, and getting to see parts of town that we don’t know. One of t...