More gardening

We started this week with a public holiday for Labour Day. I had Paddle Steamer sailings on Monday and Tuesday which gave me five consecutive days on the boat. This has really helped with getting to grips with handling the ropes and steering the vessel. On Tuesday morning Nicky went to see “Mrs. Harris goes to Paris” at the cinema, and thoroughly enjoyed the heartwarming plot, exquisite Dior clothes and post-war nostalgia. In the garden Nicky finished planting the grasses and the trailing fuchsias, which we had purchased from Frances last weekend, in the north-west bed by the retaining wall, and it is looking good: She has also been working hard on rooting out the pioneering plants (aka weeding). Meanwhile, I have started installing our back garden irrigation system. We bought a couple of 15m irrigation pipes last year but we didn’t have an adjacent water supply with which to connect them. Connecting the additional outside tap, which our water softener plumber installed for us, I ...