Much baking in the kitchen

 It has been another largely routine week, but there have been some highlights. One of them has been this pink lily flowering in the front garden, gaining flowers as the week progressed:

Nicky’s regular commitments of Life Group, Alpha and staffing the Aramoho Community Library were expanded by a visit to the hairdresser and it being her turn to produce dessert for Alpha. She shopped on Monday and baked for most of Wednesday, making a very large hummingbird cake, and a large tray of lemon and coconut slices. All dairy free and gluten free to accommodate dietary intolerances.

I have been quite busy with MacOnSite work, and have been strimming the grass in the back garden and on the berm, when the weather has allowed. A trip to Mitre 10 to get some more sanding pads enabled me to complete our second garden bench:

On Friday evening we had some “new” neighbours over for dinner. They bought a house just up the road at the beginning of the year and we met them at the shared meal at the marae recently. I made a smoked fish pie and Krystina brought a fruit crumble and real custard (made with A2 milk for me!). They moved here from the East Midlands a year ago, though Mark has lived in NZ for many years after his family emigrated when he was a child. It was a good evening, only marred by eating too much.

We had a quiet day yesterday even though the weather was fine. It was cold out, with the possibility of rain. After running errands in town, we settled down to a new jigsaw from the Jigsaw Exchange, with music and pots of tea to lubricate our afternoon.

Today Nicky has been touring the ten Whanganui Anglican churches with Vestry, to see first hand the earthquake strengthening and housing plans for each of the sites. It was a five hour long, chilly minibus tour, but very informative. I did laundry and trenching and had an amble in the afternoon. Nicky made us omelettes for tea and the evening will probably be taken up with telly and the jigsaw.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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