Short(s) Week

We have been enjoying hot sunny weather this week, which would have made doing the laundry a breeze if it were not for the bonfires. Our new neighbours have started getting things ready for planting their heritage beans, so while they were at it they took down a diseased orange tree and burned it, and a large pile of debris left by the previous owners. As a result, we put the sun to good use at the front of the house and dried the washing on the racks. It didn’t take long! Our neighbours have put up poles and wire for growing the beans:

As a result of the sunshine I have been in shorts all week. Even when the rain came this weekend the temperature has been warm. The summer quilt is now on the bed, and the shower room underfloor heating switched off.

Nature had lost its grip on sensibility however. The flax at the front seems to be sprouting a seed stem every day, and I think it has almost doubled in size in the last year. I can see us having to take it in hand. The pair of blackbirds that have adopted our front garden (they now both bathe daily in the bowl) have gone completely loopy. They have decided imposters are trying to take over. In reality it is their own reflections in the ranch sliders when the blinds are down or when they are behind the sofa (both are black). So, from about 5.30am every morning for a couple of hours they hammer away at the windows with their beaks. They will be getting RSI at this rate and I don’t think they will qualify for ACC.

Along with working hard in the garden, Nicky has had a busy week with church activities: Friends of St. John meeting, Life Group, Alpha, a working bee at St. John’s, and on Friday evening and all day Saturday an Alpha Retreat for the spiritual component of the Alpha course.

We had a very enjoyable lunch on Wednesday when Joy came over. Nicky made focaccia and I prepared some lemon curd tarts. Both were enjoyed along with the conversation. On Thursday I popped into town to watch the Remembrance Service fly past. It reminded me of Milly’s view of military precision. The fly past was early and the chap making the speech continued all the way through the one minute silence at 11!

While Nicky was retreating with Alpha yesterday I drove over to Castlecliff and had a walk along the beach, but the approaching rain hurried me back to the car. On my return I made some iron bread. The rain has been heavier today which has pleased the gardener. One of the plants she bought at the fair last week is looking very good:

On a completely different note, as this blog is titled Rick, Nicky and Claire in NZ, we have some Claire news to report this week. She has been appointed as the Treasurer for the New Zealand Law Librarians Association. I am imagining that she is now responsible for all the parchment maps with crosses on them, that show where chests of Doubloons are buried. Somebody has to show Henry Jones Junior that he is wrong!

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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