All Hail the Chef, or Chief even

It has been a quiet week. I have spent it recovering from my virus, which is the worst cold I have had in a long time. I have also wanted to be more cautious about passing on my infection in this Covid “new normal”. Unfortunately my efforts have not been entirely successful, as Nicky started with it on Thursday.

All the work I have done, which has not been a great deal, has been remote, until the weekend when Mary needed some help with her iPad.

Nicky attended Seniors Church and Holy Communion, and then on Thursday after having her hair cut took Doris out for lunch. The rain was very heavy but the omelettes were very good. She returned home with portions of Beesting and apple strudel which we enjoyed for afternoon tea. We have also had a good FaceTime chat with Jancis.

Like much of the rest of the world, we have watched the US Presidential election with disbelief and in the end, relief. I hope Joe can heal the divisions.

On the house front, we now have the big windows on the north wall fitted:

In other house news we had lots of conversations with a very nice man at the kitchen manufacturers on Friday, and hope we have come to a conclusion with the design. A problem cropped up a little while ago in that the second sink we had chosen was no longer available, and it turned out that the alternative which Bert suggested wouldn’t fit. So, we now have new alternatives and hopefully a way forward.

The weekend has been quiet with Nicky feeling very under the weather, and me improving, but it has meant we have made some significant progress on the jigsaw which Andrew gave us on Labour Day. I’ll be glad when it’s done, unless we give up.

Take care, Rick


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