The Loneliness of the Cross-Town Bus Driver

We have 18 deaths now due to Covid-19. This is more than double the number of passengers that I have seen on buses since the Level 4 Lockdown began over 4 weeks ago. Now I know this isn’t a rigorous piece of statistical analysis, but while out for morning walks, or ambles with my senior management, I think I have seen 40-50 buses plying their regular trade, and the majority have been completely empty. The drivers must wonder, like me, why they are doing it. And they probably don’t have any Simon & Garfunkel to listen to either (that reference may be lost on all the under 50’s reading this apart from one). Which also raises the question, do any under-50’s read this?

Apart from Tuesday, which started damp and foggy and remained overcast most of the day, and some cloud on Thursday afternoon, we have had another week of clear skies and wall-to-wall sunshine. Even though the daylight hours are fewer, and some of the breezes have been a little chilly, it has been very pleasant, and required much wearing of shorts, winter or otherwise varieties.

Our domestic routines have continued much as usual, interspersed with games and briefings. I have done one remote support call. Shopping has been easier this week, and I have finished scanning all the photograph albums. Next come some loose photos, which are turning up in various unexpected places, while hunting in the garage for the mouse traps. We have discovered earlier in the week that we have a visitor. So has Dawn, so I suspect it has learnt something from cats about befriending more than one establishment, or they are hunting in packs!

Communication highlights of the week: a video chat with Bruce, Wendy and Marnie on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia. They are all well and seem to be having a similar lockdown experience to us. On Wednesday Bert the Builder contacted us with a revised completion date (spring) and he and I had a good chat which was very heartening. He is a lovely man, with a very good sense of humour. On Thursday Nicky had a prison prayer group meeting via Zoom, and also socially distance conversation with Jancis in the BHB Recreation Reserve.

Nicky and I had an amble down to the beach on Tuesday, and I took these photos, because Nicky liked the flowers, and to indicate how busy the Main Street in The Bay is currently on a Tuesday afternoon:

Yesterday was Anzac Day. No mass gatherings allowed, so those who wanted to mark the day were asked to put their radios on just before dawn (for the last post etc), and stand at the end of their drives or somewhere similar at 6am. We did. We only saw one person across the road following suit, but thousands around the country appear to have taken part in the event. The RSA’s commented that they think more people commemorated the event this year than usual, and I wouldn’t be surprised.

As it is a long weekend (tomorrow is a public holiday with Anzac Day falling on a Saturday) we did a 1000 piece jigsaw yesterday (which we finished at breakfast this morning) and a 500 piece one this afternoon. Nicky attended church via Zoom again while I went out for a walk.

We are a little over 24 hours from going to Level 3.

Take care, Rick


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