Go straight to…

The later part of this week has had a different feel for us. At the PM’s urging that anyone with any sort of respiratory infection symptoms should go and get tested for Covid-19, on Thursday afternoon Nicky and I drove over to St Lukes for said test. What we hadn’t realised for some reason was that following the test, we had to go straight home, Do Not Pass Go, and Do Not Collect £200. We had to stay at home until we got our test results - no going to the supermarket or out for a walk. I was quite surprised what a difference this made to my perception of the situation. Fortunately, except for milk, food stocks were good, and we had a plan B for milk anyway. This didn’t get implemented as Nicky got her negative result very late on Friday night, so nipped up to the local supermarket on Saturday afternoon for milk and a couple of other items. My negative result came through just before breakfast this morning, so as the weather was inviting and Nicky was attending church via Zoom, I went out for an enjoyable walk.

Our other major activity this week, partially due to the weather changing and not being as sunny, has been a Harry Potter Film Marathon - all eight followed by the two Fantastic Beats ones. During the interludes between films we have played games, done the laundry and cooked meals, as Nicky has finished cleaning the pantry and I am getting on well with the scanning and I have had no work apart from some support provided by email yesterday.

As you are probably all aware, the wildlife seem to be taking notice of and enjoying the reduced number of people around. Yesterday we had some Fantails in the garden. These are friendly wee birds, but I usually only see them when walking through bush, notably on the path to the beach at Karekare and sometimes in Craigavon Park. They are not what you would describe as garden birds. It was a brief but pleasant treat, as we worked our way through another 1000 piece jigsaw.

And finally, take a look at this video, and any of you who don’t live in Auckland will understand part of why we love it so much:

Many of the places featured I recognise because we have been to them.



Moira and Peter said…

delighted to hear you are both clear - take care!

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