It has been quite a week hasn’t it? Everywhere. As the week has progressed so has the feeling of “what’s going to happen today?’, and then yesterday the lovely Jacinda (our Prime Minister for those who don’t have their fingers on the pulse of international politics) addressed the nation, the first time a PM has done that since I don’t know when (yes, I have tried Googling it but couldn’t be bothered to go past the first page of results which didn’t tell me what I wanted to know).

So, it would appear that the only place that we can, and are, congregating in large numbers, is the supermarket. The place is FULL OF IDIOTS, buying large amounts of stuff they don’t really need. It is worse than Christmas, and to rub salt into the wound, NOTHING has appeared in the stocking hanging at the end of my bed. ARGHHH!!!!

The changes and restrictions on activities are not making much difference to me, as I only have a couple of “social engagements” a month which might be affected. Nicky, on the other hand, now has a positively unencumbered week ahead of her, with no church activities, and possibly even worse so I will type it very quietly, the libraries are closed - even the returns slots!! If only I had know and got the complete works of Enid Blyton out before hand. Ah well, back to Dickens and Shakespeare then.

So, until further notice, this week has been Nicky’s last week of routine activities at church, getting her hair done by Doris (who has now gone North), and having a church AGM. She had fun on Thursday making an Alzheimer’s curry (supposed to delay it, not encourage it - yes I got the wrong end of the stick there too) which was interesting, and a good day at quilting yesterday, thought numbers were a little lower due to current circumstances.

My work week was busyish on Monday, but has been pretty quiet since then, so I have got more scanning done, helped with the laundry, and I am a good way through the most recent Philip Pullman book, The Secret Commonwealth, which I am enjoying. My Deep and Meaningful discussion group had a different atmosphere on Thursday, almost rebellious, and the future of the meetings was of course discussed, but the goal posts have moved since then.

Our two notable, enjoyable, events this week, were both evening occasions. On Tuesday, about 11am, we witnessed a house being driven down the road. We know this happens here, we have seen yards of houses (like car yards, but houses), and ones being prepared to be moved, but not one actually on the move, so for it to be going past our home was quite exciting. The house itself was on an amazing piece of towing technology with three axels, and each of the supports above the six sets of wheel independently adjustable with hydraulic rams, so that it could be lifted and tilted and generally manoeuvred along the road. It was fascinating to watch the start of its journey to Te Kuiti, some 200kms away.

Yesterday, we attending Jan’s (of Jan and John fame) 70th birthday celebration, along with about 35 others, most of whom were probably too old to be out, but there is nothing quite like a guilty pleasure is there? I think a good evening was had by all, except possibly those who did all the hard work preparing and managing the food. We contributed jacket spuds and kumera, and peanut butter cheesecake, which I thought was disappointing but there wasn’t much left at the end of the evening.

Today has been better weather than expected, and a little different from usual. Nicky had arranged a meeting with members of the prison outreach group this afternoon, so promptly departed for Scrabble at Stella’s after church, and I went out to Karekare this afternoon once she had returned my car, sorry, the car.

So, I think we are in for a quiet week. Wash your hands, don’t over shop, only sneeze when alone, don’t pick your nose, and take care.



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