Phew, what a scorcher!

It has been a summery week. On Tuesday we reached 31ºC in Auckland. It was warm.

I have had a busy week, not all of it occupied with income related activity. Quite a bit of work admin seems to have been necessary this week, but I have also done a range of on-site and remote work, and had a long session helping Jancis on Monday. I took Luna over to Henderson late Tuesday afternoon for her new windscreen - it already needs a wash! I had Thursday evening in town for a Deep and Meaningful conversation, and Friday evening up at The Block as we decided not to go down to the Music in the Parks concert.

Nicky has had a mixed week. Two lots of Seniors Church and a Book Chat for variety. She saw the GP on Monday and the assessment was that her foot is improving but to finish the course of antibiotics, which happened on Wednesday. She was back to the GP again on Friday afternoon as her foot had started feeling hot and itchy and swelling again, so another course of antibiotics and elevating of the leg (hence not going to the concert).

Wednesday was socially busy as we (Nicky mainly) prepared the house and food for the life group social that we were hosting in the evening. Due to the dry weather we had decided not to BBQ and have a pot-luck dinner instead. This delivered a large amount and wide range of food, and a good evening was had by all (as far as I am aware). Some of them may only have hazy recollections of the evening. I am NOT going to speculate whether that is due to their age or wine consumption.

Thursday was a public holiday for Waitangi Day, and we choose to have a quiet and gentle day, which I felt a real need for. We had a late breakfast of toms and avocado on toast followed by a few hands of Rummy-O and then a gentle stroll in Cornwall Park before it got too hot. Nicky read and ironed in the afternoon while I snoozed before going into town.

Yesterday was another late breakfast day (scrambled egg and avocado on toast this time, and on The Rattigan) and dominated by reading and Scrabble in the afternoon. We squeezed some tellyboxing in after the sun went down.

Today has been another lovely sunny day. While Nicky was at church I went out to Karekare where the sea was warm. This is relative statement. The temperature given on the SafeSwim website for the sea was 20º, but it was the wind-chill effect of the breeze on wet skin that really made the sea feel warm. The waves were relatively gentle today to I spent quite a bit of time enjoying the water. A gentle afternoon was followed by omelettes for tea, mugs of tea on The Rattigan, then major tellyboxing with it being Sunday.

Take care, Rick


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