Christmas week

You will be very pleased to know, Dear Reader, that we have survived yet another Christmas. We didn’t entirely over indulge, drink the night away, wail in despair on receipt of inappropriate gifts, or follow the herd to the Boxing Day sales. We did however, have a good time.

Monday was Felicity’s last day with us, and after much packing and washing of bedding, she an Nicky set off for Paul and Jenny’s via the Botanic Gardens. They enjoyed both the flora and sculpture. 

I spent the morning setting up a new Mac for one of my customers before going down to the Bay for my Office Christmas Party. I was joined by around a dozen other Deep & Meaningful members who would have a very solitary affair otherwise and we had a very enjoyable chat and lunch, despite the mixed weather. We took over the “bus shelter” on the path to the boathouse and that worked well. To finish off the day I went out for a beer with Paul and his lad Jason, who I hadn’t seen for ages.

Tuesday was back to hosting duties, getting Claire’s bedroom ready for her arrival, cooking, and delivering the Mac I had been working on. We collected Claire from the airport around the same time that the weather brightened up. Lunch was taken on The Rattigan before Claire and I decorated the house with Christmas frivolity. Nicky was first into the kitchen for major cooking by all of us (N on mince pies, C on ginger ninja’s, me on Christmas puds). I was just getting into the tidying up by the time Nicky returned from midnight mass at around 1.15am! It was quite a bit of work, but meant that all we had to do on Christmas Day was party, party, party!!!

Christmas Day started mild and little cloudy, but by late morning had turned into a pleasant sunny day. We breakfasted on croissants, filled with bacon and scrambled egg for Nicky and I, and lemon curd, banana and blueberries for Claire. We opened gifts with tea and coffee, then got our things together and drove up to Clem and Pat’s for our shared family lunch. As ever, the food and the company were brilliant, and the family really enjoyed Claire’s ginger ninja’s - there were none left!

With Felicity being in attendance group photos of the six siblings were not optional, and it was also suggested a photo of partners should be taken “for balance”:

The Management Team:

The power behind three of the thrones:

Nicky, Claire and I left happy and stuffed late in the afternoon and went to Red Beach for walks along the sand and a swim in the sea, though later discovered sharks at been sighted in the vicinity. We had a late light snack a little after getting home, and feeling like some more exercise Claire and I went for a walk and Nicky mowed the grass. It was a lovely day.

Boxing Day was quite relaxed, largely by avoiding the shops. Being a Thursday and not raining, towels were washed, then it rained so they were brought in again, then it cleared up so out they went again, and Claire and I went for another walk. Upon our return Claire took Luna so that she could visit Ryan’s parents, Nicky and I played Rummy-O a couple of different ways (gift to me from N). I started working on Mum’s eulogy, and made bean curry and Yorkshire pudding (C’s request) for dinner. The three of enjoyed some hands of Mah Jongg in the evening, lubricated with a bottle of wine.

Friday was busy again with preparations for post Christmas celebrations. This required shopping and cooking after breakfasting on The Rattigan. Nicky was busy sewing and Claire borrowed Luna again to visit a friend she used to work with. We had dinner on The Rattigan, watched Doc Martin, and Nicky continued sewing into the night, and the following small hours of the morning…

Saturday started damp but soon improved, helped by breakfast of tomato and avocado on toast. Shopping and ironing accompanied Claire packing and we had a sushi lunch at the airport before seeing Claire off through security. It has been really good to enjoy her company for a few days, and it has greatly added to the pleasure of a lovely Christmas.

Take care, Rick


Moira and Peter said…
Happy New Year troops!

Any pictures of Claire - by popular demand!

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