The knees have it

The 2018 Auckland Heritage Festival has begun, and I am sure you will remember Dear Reader, from posts in years past, that this is something that we really enjoy. Yesterday started clear, crisp and sunny, and with the promise from Dan the Weather Man (ex-BBC) of a sunny day, I broke out my shorts after hanging out the washing and before heading for the 8.25am bus into town. I switched to the Outer Link bus in Balmoral and got to Parnell in plenty of time to wander round the Farmer’s Market, resist the desire to buy almond croissant’s, but give in to the need for coffee. Our group assembled at 10am, and as soon as we had crossed the road from the Jubilee Building I was in unfamiliar territory. We walked along some new landscaping over the railway before going through some bush to Newmarket Park which I didn’t even know existed. The walk was titled Streams and Gullies, so our route undulated up and down as we progressed to Hobson’s Bay. The return journey took us through Scarborough...