A terrible smell

This has been Nicky’s first week in her new job at Henderson Library. The re-scheduling meant it was a six-day working week as she had to work on Monday which she will from now on have off, but it has gone well. The atmosphere in the library is much more relaxed than at BHB, though the library is much bigger and on three floors so towards the end of the day she starts using the lift instead of walking up the stairs. Transportation to and from has gone OK and the improved train and bus services are a great help. I am collecting her from the station each evening which affects my dinner-production schedule but we don’t seem to be suffering!

My working week has been busy but inefficient with spending much time transporting machines hither and thither. However, I think I will have earned some good-will and was able to get two out of three apparently terminally dead machines up and running again.

The weather has been little mixed with some cold starts, nice warm sunshine and rain from time to time. It has been easier to get the washing dried outside which has been good. Nicky was too tired to go out on Monday evening, but enjoyed life group on Wednesday and I had a good evening at The Block on Friday.

My most exciting event was trying to set fire to the microwave on Thursday. Late morning I was making fish pie for dinner and had a little pastry left over, though I thought I would put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes to cook through and have with my lunch. I must have put it on for longer than I had thought because the next thing I knew (while concentrating on making the pie filling) was the smell of something burning and then seeing lovely yellow smoke coming out of the machine. It hadn’t quite caught alight, but the smell was terrific and is still lingering.

Nicky was working yesterday so took the car as I was planning a domestic day of washing, ironing and cooking. With it being Harry Potters’ birthday on Monday I celebrated by starting to listen to the Philosophers Stone, and yesterday moved onto the Chamber of Secrets. After work (which was very busy due to their being a number of activities in the library which were very good apparently) Nicky went over to Stella’s for Scrabble. In the evening we watched Pork Pie, a recent remake of the classic Kiwi film Goodbye, Pork Pie. We both enjoyed it even though Nicky had already seen it at the cinema when it was first released.

Today after church we drove up to Whangaparaoa for Nicky to join in with the St Stephens Centenary celebrations. Stella, Steve, Paul and Jenny had also attended as things were on all weekend. We watched a re-enactment of the landing at Arkles Bay (pictures below) then Nicky went onto a service at the church and I went for a couple of walks on local beaches. When I collected Nicky she showed me the candle stick and alter cross donated by the family. We ended up at Clem and Pats for dinner, so have had a very good day overall.

Take care, Rick


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