All change, again.
After more than three years at Blockhouse Bay library, Nicky has completed her final week there. As you can imagine she has mixed feelings about this, but she has had a good week (the manager was away). On Friday she contributed peach muffins and individual cheesecakes (little oat biscuit - philly cheese - lemon curd) to a wide range of morning tea goodies. In the evening ten of the staff had dinner at The Block and enjoyed themselves. The personnel issues have been the major downside of working at BHB, but the short commute and being able to come home for lunch will be missed by both of us. Tomorrow she starts at Henderson library with a short day before commencing her Tuesday to Saturday hours. It will mean a change of routine for us, and her weekend being Sunday & Monday may take awhile to get used to, but we will get there and it’s not for ever. Luna had her annual pamper day up at the garage (service and warrant of fitness) on Tuesday, but due a major problem getting one ...