Lunch with a Silver Medalist

I have been under the weather this week with having a cold, but have started to improve this weekend. I have not had much work on but technology changes at home have kept me occupied. Jancis has given us her TV which is a major step up from the one we bought from Dawn and Barrie about 8 years ago. This morning I have updated Nicky’s user guide for when I am not here to press buttons.

The second week of school holidays has made the library very busy, and the lovely sunny weather has probably contributed to people being out and about.

Tuesday was ANZAC day, so Nicky had the day off which she started by attending the parade and service at New Lynn RSA. We had lunch on the Rattigan but it got a little warm when the breeze died down. Nicky mowed the lawn and Jancis popped round.

Nicky has had a couple of evenings out with prayer groups, and over three evenings we have watched all of Humans series 2, which we enjoyed. I have also thoroughly enjoyed reading a of book of unpublished letters written by readers of The Daily Telegraph. A heartwarming hoot.

The rain came yesterday morning but had eased off by lunchtime, which was handy as that is when Ivan and Fay (who Nicky used to work with) arrived. They have been up in Auckland as Ivan has been competing in the World Master’s Games (tennis) and won a Silver medal in the mens doubles. We had not seen them since they moved back to Christchurch last year so we walked up to the throbbing heart of BHB and had a very nice lunch in the Bay cafĂ© while catching up. Afterwards I took them to the airport while Nicky got ready for Stella coming over for Scrabble.

We had some heavy rain over night and some showers this morning and evening, but most of the afternoon was sunny so we had an amble round the reserve. Nicky had a good chat over tea and coffee after church and has been baking this evening. We are both enjoying listening to an Ann Cleve audio book while she does this. I find work fascinating - I could watch it for hours.

Take care, Rick


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