Lovely grub

This week has been bookended by a public holiday (Labour Day) at the beginning, and a family day at the end. Labour Day started chilly but quite bright, even though there was some cloud around. We started off with a gentle breakfast of scrambled egg and avocado on toast followed by toasted cinnamon brioche. After some obligatory mowing of the grass and ironing of the clothes, we went off to Dress Smart in Onehunga and Sylvia Park so that Nicky could buy me Christmas gift clothes. It wasn’t as much fun as last year but the trip was successful. Nicky then nipped over to Henderson for Scrabble. In the evening we watched a film on DVD, Eye in the Sky, which Nicky had brought home because of Helen Mirren and Alan Rickman featuring in it. The film was very good - basically an analysis of the complex moral and logistical issues around drone warfare. Well worth watching. The rest of the week has been pretty routine, with the library being busy, the washing machine and clothes line get...