Oh, that's changed

The highlight of our week has been seeing Claire and Ryan. They booked some GrabaSeat tickets awhile back and flew up on Thursday evening. We collected them from the airport and deposited them at the Quest apartments in Newmarket.

We met up with them again on Friday evening at Sal’s Pizza in Parnell, and were joined by Shani, Steve, Ros, Stella and Kate, and shared pizza’s and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and had a very good evening. On Saturday morning they got to train to New Lynn and walked up to Blockhouse Bay so that they could borrow our car to visit Ryan’s family. They deposited our car in the cathedral car park in the evening (more on that later).

I picked them up from New Lynn station this morning as Claire wanted to sort through her boxes of stuff in our garage. She appears to have done a good job of weeding as I now have four boxes of goodies to take to the charity shop. We had a nice lunch together (including chocolate cheesecake as Claire missed out on my birthday one) and then we took them to the airport this afternoon for their flight home. About 2 minutes after we waved goodby then through security, we met Jenny who was in the airport to meet a friend.

It’s been really good to see them both and catch up again.

Knowing that Claire and Ryan were coming up this weekend, Nicky decided to take some annual leave, so she just worked three days in the library this week. She has been really enjoying her time at home working on a quilt and listening to Harry Potter.

I have had a good week work-wise, with something on everyday expect for Friday. I went to a mens yoga class on Tuesday evening - my first experience of yoga. It was good, though physically challenging.

The weather is starting to change now. Even though Claire and Ryan were commenting on how warm it was, we have noticed a real drop in the temperatures. For the first time in weeks it was below 20ยบ in the house first thing on Thursday morning. We had a couple of clear nights and corresponding clear and absolutely gorgeous days. The sun is still hot, but it’s chilly in the shade. Classic toe warming weather (still warm enough for bare feet but it’s good to get them in the sun when you can).

The other big event this week was being taken to a choral concert at the cathedral by Jancis on Saturday night. This was a performance of some Schubert, followed by the premier of a new work, Erebus, as a memorial to the air disaster. The last item for the evening was Carmina Burana, a piece we all knew well but Nicky and I had not seen performed live before. It was a mighty and very enjoyable evening. 

We have spent the evening being worried about Johnathan Pine, The Night Manager, and hope all turns out well in the final episode next week. I suspect we may be being overly optimistic.

Take care, Rick


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