I’m drinking water out of the fridge again

…because it’s warmer than that coming out of the cold tap! Well almost. It has been a cold week on the whole, with overnights lows of 2° and 3° and even frost one morning. The ice indicator even came on in the car this morning when driving to the beach. On the upside, the clear skies have made for lovely sunny days and much better than the rain that started the week, but the southerly wind has been icy and only relented yesterday.

It has also been a very quiet week. I have only had one Mac job which was on Friday morning. We have had no social commitments in the evenings (Nicky didn’t feel up to Te Reo on Tuesday), but she has been very busy at work - the schools are on holiday. So I have been doing the usual shopping, cooking, washing and ironing, while also starting to work “on the business” (as oppose to “in the business) to try and generate more work.

I went out for my first morning constitutional on Wednesday down to the beach. The tide was so far out I was able to walk along the shore line right round to Green Bay. After work on Friday morning I went down to Whitcoull’s on Queen Street (it was the flagship store but it is closing down now) and bought a brilliant map. It is NZ by region. They had one up in the office where I had been working and it’s the first time I had seen a map that clearly marked the regions. In addition, it was made by a company in Sheffield, in the UK!

Yesterday morning we had a late breakfast of poached eggs and bacon, and then I gave Luna a wash. In the shade it was cold but with the wind having dropped the sun was really warm and I was down to just my shorts. Stunning for mid-winter. Nicky went over to Henderson for Scrabble in the afternoon and cut the grass when she got back. I made ale house bread and we had it with soup for an early tea before walking down to Te Pou to see the White Face Crew. Unfortunately we were 24 hours early, but we had had a good walk for an hour.

This morning I went to Te Henga for a walk and went to the far end of O’Neills and back, while Nicky was at church. Nicky was making scones when I got home, and after lunch we went over to Glendowie. While Nicky visited Ruth, who is getting older and frailer, I had a walk towards the spit.

Our TV highlight this week has been a six part documentary that Nicky brought home from the library on DVD. “Underground” goes behind the scenes of the The Tube. It was fascinating, informative, and very well done. Some of the numbers (passengers and costs) were eye watering. It should be compulsory viewing for all Londoner’s and Aucklander’s. If you missed it when it was on the BBC, try and borrow a copy from your library.

Take care, Rick


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