Binge, binge, binge

With the exception of a couple of cloudy starts and a bit of rain late Thursday, it has been another lovely sunny week. We had lunch on the Rattigan yesterday, but it was too hot to sit outside for long. It’s all changing today as Super Tropical Cyclone Pam will reach us overnight. We will only get the edge of the storm here, but today has already been quite windy.

Nicky seems to be over her virus and has been at work all week, busy as ever and dismayed at times by borrowers and staff. I have had some Mac work too, and another new customer this week.

On Tuesday evening we went to an Estate Planning seminar at the ANZ Bank in Mt Albert, which was interesting and informative (and the nibbles were excellent). It reinforced the fact that we need to get on and update our wills and sort out powers of attorney. Nicky had house group on Wednesday evening and I had a lovely swim at Herne Bay on Thursday afternoon (the sea is clean again).

On Monday morning I went up to see our GP, at his request, and discovered that my vitamin B12 levels are low. He doesn’t think it is my diet, but my gut’s inability to absorb the B12 due to low levels of the necessary enzyme. The prescribed solution is a series of three injections (one on Monday, the next at monthly intervals), and probably every six months. I felt really good on Tuesday morning but since then have returned to my “current normal” of my head feeling odd every so often, especially if I get very warm.

Yesterday morning we went over to the Greenlane Clinical Centre for Nicky’s eye clinic appointment. She was thoroughly (and at times uncomfortably) tested, and even though she has “small nerves” which could be due to her being vertically challenged, her eye pressure was fine so no glaucoma, but they want to see her again in a year.

Nicky brought home The Tunnel on DVD, a thriller series in 10 episodes done by the same folks who did Broadchurch. We started watching it on Friday evening and were quickly hooked so got through 4 episodes then and binged on another 6 last night (and the wee hours of this morning). It was very good.

Today Nicky has been in prison, so I did the ironing, and then this afternoon she has been to a quilting exhibition in Kelston with Stella and Mary, followed by Scrabble (which Steve joined). I had a pleasant and breezy walk down to the beach. This evening will be our usual Sunday tellyboxing.

Finally, just incase you were wondering, we are still very much enjoying our regular diet of hot cross bunnies. It’s not long to Easter now so I need to get is many in as I can while Bakers Delight are still making them. I don’t think I can get more than 18 packets of 6 in the freezer at one time, and it would have to be empty for me to do that.

Take care, Rick


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