
Showing posts from July, 2014

Winter Chills

It has been the coldest week of the year so far here in Auckland-by-the-sea, so our changing of our quilt to our winter one on Monday was justified. It has been a week of sunshine and showers, but the clear skies have allowed the warming sun through quite often, especially over the weekend. I have had quite a busy week with three days at Electorate HQ, receiving, checking, sorting and packing supplies. Wednesday was particularly long. I have also has some Mac work at the end of the week which has been good. Getting around without a car hasn’t been difficult, it just takes longer and requirers a bit of planning, and Cherry (my Returning Officer) has been very good at giving me lifts when she can. I also popped into town on Thursday evening for another meeting which was quite good. My neck has improved throughout the week and is now almost back to normal. Nicky has also had a busy and trying week at the library. She went on a very interesting course on Wednesday about co...

Lots of out and about

Looking back over my notes for the week makes me realise what an eventful one it has been, because I have completely forgotten it started off with the World Cup Final. Monday was due to be my proper (delayed due to others having ‘flu) first day of elections work, but I was told I didn’t have to go in until after the match had finished. I spent the bulk of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Electorate HQ. We did a system test on Wednesday which was interesting and went well. I haven’t done any Mac work, but I have done two modelling jobs and a bit more work at HQ on Saturday. On Tuesday evening I went to a lecture given by Dr Kerry Spackman, a cognitive neuroscientist I think, which was interesting. Following on from this I joined a group called Deep and Meaningful, who meet most Thursdays at cafés in town, for deep and meaningful conversation. I attended my first evening on Thursday, following on from a modelling job in town. It was a small group of people from a wide ra...


Weather has been the dominating factor this week again, with a major storm system arriving on Wednesday. We were not as affected here as the last storm, but up north there has been much more damage, primarily due to extensive flooding. Work for Nicky at the library has gradually improved through the week, and there have been very busy periods at times due to the school holidays. The rain and wind has been encouraging people to stay at home at other times, and it was pretty winterly when Nicky went to house group on Wednesday evening. I have had a reasonable week with Mac work, particularly at the beginning. I did 5 calls on Monday, though they were nearly all quite short. Tuesday was good for drying laundry due to the wind, but the rest of the week has been small loads drying inside. I finished the week off with a beer at The Block on Friday evening. Yesterday started very damp but things improved by mid-day. We had a very late breakfast and then Stella and Steve came over for...

Windy City

You might have felt a bit short changed last week Dear Reader, and understandably so. The observant ones among you will have noticed that I posted earlier than usual, and finished without covering Sunday very much. This is because (a) I don't like to discuss future plans on the blog as it is in the public domain, and although I know I have a very select readership, you don't know who might be looking over your shoulder, and (b) we were off to Wellington. My job with the Electoral Commission required me to attend a four day training course in Wellington, and as my expenses and hotel accommodation were being paid for, Nicky came with me (managed to get her a cheap flight due to her doing most of the peddling). I had not been to Wellington before (so was looking forward to seeing something of the place), and had not done a domestic flight in NZ before. A taxi took us to the airport for our 16.30 departure, where we met up with the other people from our electorate and some ne...