
Weather has been the dominating factor this week again, with a major storm system arriving on Wednesday. We were not as affected here as the last storm, but up north there has been much more damage, primarily due to extensive flooding.

Work for Nicky at the library has gradually improved through the week, and there have been very busy periods at times due to the school holidays. The rain and wind has been encouraging people to stay at home at other times, and it was pretty winterly when Nicky went to house group on Wednesday evening.

I have had a reasonable week with Mac work, particularly at the beginning. I did 5 calls on Monday, though they were nearly all quite short. Tuesday was good for drying laundry due to the wind, but the rest of the week has been small loads drying inside. I finished the week off with a beer at The Block on Friday evening.

Yesterday started very damp but things improved by mid-day. We had a very late breakfast and then Stella and Steve came over for Scrabble. We spent the evening with the tellybox.

Today dawned brighter with some blue sky here and there. We both attended to our “religious observances”, Nicky up at church and me out to the beach at Karekare. I couldn’t decide if the water was warmer than last week, or cooler but felt warmer because I got numb quicker. Either way, I wasn’t in the water for very long but it was good to have a splash and a walk along the beach. Nicky has been sewing this afternoon and I did one of our Wentworth jigsaws (they are wooden, every piece is different, and they have whimseys - object-shaped pieces such as a wheelbarrow and standard lamp). Nicky made us pancakes for tea which went very well with my low-fat butter.

And finally, spare a thought for Brazil with their team having a melt down at the World Cup. Watching the Brazil-Germany game was just stunning. Then to get beaten by Holland too, and all in their own country. Better luck next time.

Take care,



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