Lots of out and about

Looking back over my notes for the week makes me realise what an eventful one it has been, because I have completely forgotten it started off with the World Cup Final. Monday was due to be my proper (delayed due to others having ‘flu) first day of elections work, but I was told I didn’t have to go in until after the match had finished.

I spent the bulk of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Electorate HQ. We did a system test on Wednesday which was interesting and went well. I haven’t done any Mac work, but I have done two modelling jobs and a bit more work at HQ on Saturday.

On Tuesday evening I went to a lecture given by Dr Kerry Spackman, a cognitive neuroscientist I think, which was interesting. Following on from this I joined a Meetup.com group called Deep and Meaningful, who meet most Thursdays at cafés in town, for deep and meaningful conversation. I attended my first evening on Thursday, following on from a modelling job in town. It was a small group of people from a wide range of backgrounds but we had a very interesting couple of hours discussing individual freedom and group responsibility. I found it stimulating and quite uplifting, and am looking forward to future events.

Nicky’s week at the library has been very busy, and she helped with a special children’s event on Thursday evening. On a sadder note she also attended Mary Prebble’s funeral on Thursday. While I was out modelling at the Tin Shed on Saturday, she got on with cleaning, ironing and sewing.

This morning she was in prison, and came home to find that on my return from my trip to Karekare, just as I was waiting to turn into Exminster Street a chap ran into the back of me. I hit my head really hard on the head restraint. Fortunately there were lots of people about who helped. One chap kindly got the car out of the middle of the road while I went to lie down on the pavement. An ambulance was called but I didn’t need hospitalisation - it was mainly shock and a sore neck and head. A very nice lady called Tanya stayed with me and called round later so that I could thank her properly for her help. So many people reacted brilliantly and I just didn’t get a chance to thank them as they went off to continue with their days while the ambulance men checked me out. The Police had a quick word and then the tow truck men took Lilly away to the panel beaters. I walked home but was very pleased to see Nicky a few minutes later. Claire was calling every few minutes to make sure that I was still OK, as the ambulance men were a little concerned about me being on my own. So, I have had some zedd’s this afternoon, and then made lemon curd. I suspect it will be tomorrow morning that will be more problematic, and I might need to massage or physio for my neck muscles.

The weather this week has been largely clear and sunny, with crisp winter days outside, but nice and warm in our house during the day as the sun has heated it. Yesterday morning it was down to 3° in the roof, and by lunchtime the rain had arrived. It’s been damp on and off since then, so even though the air temperature is higher, it feels colder because of the lack of sunshine.

That’s all for now,
Take care,



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