Start the week with a birthday

We started the week with a public holiday for both my birthday, and the Queen’s birthday. After going out for most of the day on Saturday we had decided to have a quiet day at home for my birthday, which worked out well. Steve, Stella and Katie came over for Scrabble and birthday chocolate cheesecake which Nicky had made, and Dawn joined us for some cake too. Later we had smoked salmon, bacon and bagels for something a bit special for tea, and watched a film (The Hoax) in the evening, which we both enjoyed. 

It has been back to normal for the rest of the week. The weather has been very good considering the time of year with plenty of sunshine and gentle breezes to dry the washing. I have had some Mac work every day, and on Thursday did my first bit of work for the election  - system testing. I also saw the dermatologist again on Wednesday. She has put me on some anti-fungal mediation for three months.

Nicky has been busy at the library again. Her boss has been away all week and she had to nip over to Henderson for a meeting on Tuesday.

We finished off the working we with fish and chips and then a wallow in the hot pools at Parakai. The naturist nights at Palm Springs stopped at the end of last year, but the pools across the road have naturist sessions twice a month, but on Fridays. It is in their “corporate venue” area so is much nicer than it was across the read, and we had a very relaxing evening.

Yesterday I needed to do some work on a couple of Macs which I had brought back to base, and then did the ironing in the afternoon. Nicky spent the day sewing, which she was very pleased to be able to do, and then after church today went over to Henderson for Scrabble.

We enjoyed watching the first All Blacks - England test last night, especially as the media here have been calling it an England B team - who almost won! I am also looking forward to the World Cup starting next week, though we won’t get all the games on free-to-air TV, but we do get all the England games and the knockout rounds.

That’s all for this week,
Take care,



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