Step lively

I was reminded of this lovely phrase, which for me for some reason has nautical overtones, when watching Endeavour on Saturday night. It was used by a librarian to two of his staff when Morse wanted the Bodeian closed quickly. I like these sort of phrases which are short, quirky, and carry a weight of meaning. On a side note, we are enjoying Endeavour, as you might imagine, and are pleased that the production, plot and story telling qualities that made Morse and Lewis so watchable are being continued in Endeavour.

Anyway dear reader, onto our week, the last full week of April. It has been a three day week for us, with Monday (Easter Monday) and Friday (ANZAC day) being public holidays. Claire also had Tuesday off - lawyer’s day apparently, though when I was talking to one of my customers on Wednesday who is a lawyer I discovered they used to take a whole week off!

Easter Monday started cloudy but had brightened up by the time Nicky was cooking us a cracking breakfast of scrambled egg, bacon and tomatoes on toast. Our traditional Easter volcano climb this year was Mt Richmond, which gave us views of some of the more industrial areas of Auckland. We had a tiki tour home to a pot of tea and the last of our hot cross bunnies.

Tuesday was sunny periods and a cool breeze so I was able to get tow loads of washing dry. I had an appointment with the dentist to have filling replaced and then after lunch some Mac work in Devonport, which I finished early enough for a quick swim in the sea at Narrow Neck before returning home. Wednesday was dry and sunny and I was into the CBD on the bus for another Mac job. I had three jobs on Thursday in Birkenhead, Whangaparaoa and Torbay. That kept me busy until mid afternoon, then I popped up to Granny’s Bay for a lovely swim in the sea.

Nicky has been really busy every day at the library with the schools being on holiday, so she was pleased it was a short week with no evening commitments. When she discovered the New Lynn memorial service wasn’t at dawn on Friday but 8.45am, she zipped off in order to participate. As in previous years it was a moving and well attended occasion. I got some household chores done before we went for a walk in Heron Park, which is right at the north end of Blockhouse Bay Road, and one we have not been to before. It was quite pleasant, and we had Kohu Road ice cream’s from The Tannery on the way home which were as gorgeous as ever.

Heron Park
The weather has been lovely over the weekend, dry and sunny and warm in the sun. We had a late breakfast yesterday and Nicky went over to Henderson for Scrabble with Stella and Steve. I watched The Dam Busters which I had recored on Friday as I hand’t seen it for years. Today Nicky was at church first thing and I went to Karekare for a walk and my third swim of the week. When I got to the car park it was packed, due to an Indian wedding being about to take place in the bush. I wished the groom all the best for the future. This afternoon we had a stroll round the reserve and have watched the extended version of the first Hobbit film this evening, after tea and scones. We quite enjoyed the film.

Take care, and step lively,



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