Summer is here…

…but the egg cups are not. Now here is a mystery more taxing than The Case of The Missing Chocolate Fingers, which happened at Park Road many years ago (in the space of a minute, between the kitchen and the front door a whole box of Cadbury’s Chocolate Fingers went missing, packaging and all). While cooking boiled eggs for our Saturday morning breakfast I went into the cupboard to extract the necessary crockery, and the egg cups were just not there. Well, that is not quite true, Nicky’s “eggs-on-legs” was there, but we also have six stainless steel ones which Paul And Jenny gave Nicky sometime in the last millennium. One is in my bathroom for holding my deodorant (when inverted), but the other five are kept on the top shelf of the cupboard in the kitchen main unit. For one or two to have gone missing would be understandable as they get put to non-eggistensial use quite regularly, but for all five to be missing is most perplexing. We have searched everywhere we can think of (including the garage, following The Legendary Case of The Absent Cordless Kettle), but to no avail. Mmm……

For the first time in quite a few years I think (no I have not gone back through past blogs to verify this comment) the official start to summer and the weather’s start to summer have coincided. We have had a great week, with lots of hot sunshine, only a little rain, and although today has been cooler and was cloudy this morning, we had some lovely sunshine this afternoon.

Nicky has been off work all week. Even though she was taking antibiotics for her chest infection, she wasn’t well enough to go back to work on Monday so the GP signed her off for three more days. She went into work on Thursday morning but I had to go an collect her about an hour later as she was very wobbly and had been very grey. The GP suspected postural hypotension, but her symptoms seem very similar to the virus I had at the beginning of September. She has been a bit better over the weekend but we are not convinced that she will be up to work tomorrow. We will decide in the morning. She has had some good periods, so we ordered some new sandles from the chemist, bought a dress and jacket from Shirley’s which would be suitable for a mother-of the-bride outfit, and she listened to a recorder recital up at BHB library, and went to an advent service at church.

I have had a couple of bits of Mac work and got all the laundry done easily with the help of the weather. November hasn’t been a bad month, but work has still been pretty light.

With Nicky not being 100% we have had a quiet weekend, pottering, baking, reading, watching episodes of The Pallisers on DVD (which is more palatable than I remember is being when I was 14) and Scrabbeling today with Stella.

And that has been our week. We have decided how to find the missing egg cups - if we buy some new ones the others are bound to turn up.

Take care,



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