Christmas Week

Well Dear Reader, I hope your Christmas was as good as ours. The weather didn’t entirely play ball, but we had a grand time all the same. Monday was lovely and sunny, but as the week has progressed the weather has become more unsettled and wet. However, even though Christmas Day started with some rain, by lunchtime when everybody was arriving at our place it had dried up and the sun was just about to come out. Shopping on Monday was as manic as you would expect. The problem was made worse by husbands who appeared to have been dragged out for their annual food shop and were at a loss as to what to do, so just got themselves and their trolly’s in the way of the more seasoned customer. I also had a trip up to Murray’s Bay to discuss a modelling assignment with a photographer (which went OK) and did some wine shopping, ready for Wednesday. The laundry, once through the magic machine, largely looked after itself. A bit more shopping was done Tuesday morning, to be followed by the prep...