Sunny weather week

It has largely been a week of hot sunny weather. Some cloud and lower temperatures arrived towards the end of the week, but it has generally been very nice. This has of course made getting the washing dry a cinch, but not helped with the ironing at all.

I have had a bit of Mac work each day, making December a reasonable month. Food shopping and Christmas preparations have also featured heavily with the production of two Christmas puddings and eight pork pies. Sausage rolls and mice pies are scheduled to be made on Christmas Eve.

Nicky had her works do up at The Block on Tuesday evening, and it went very well. Everyone enjoyed it, some of them being surprised to do so. It’s the first time they have had an evening Christmas celebration. Nicky had her interview and visit to Blockhouse Bay library on Friday morning. They are really looking forward to her starting with them in March, and I think Nicky feels a bit happier about things now too. We are hoping to go and visit Claire and Ryan in Dunedin between Nicky finishing at New Lynn and starting at BHB.

Yesterday morning the Christmas carol service which Nicky has put a great deal of effort into went very well, though much longer than she had planned. Fun, fun, fun was the aim and it hit the mark. Steve came over for Scrabble in the afternoon and we enjoyed a bottle of wine and film on the tellybox (The Adjustment Bureau) in the evening.

Today Jancis came round after church. Nicky has already seen her a couple of times but I hadn’t so it was good to catch up. She stayed for lunch and then we had a walk down to the beach. Jancis went off home and Nicky I and drove to the Pah Homestead to take advantage of a Devonshire Afternoon Tea voucher which expired today and we didn’t have time to use on Nicky’s birthday. The tea and scones were excellent, and we had a wander round the gallery afterwards.

Jaded but happy (apart from the pain which my eczema has been giving me since Friday) we plough on towards the 25th. We are hosting this year so there are things to be done!

Bye for now,
Have a good Christmas yourselves and we will meet on the other side of it, ready for the New Year.



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