It's the middle of November

It has been an uneventful week really. I have had quite a bit of Mac work, Nicky has been busy at the library, clothes have been washed, dried (with the help of the weather) and ironed, shopping has been done and food has been cooked (and eaten). Life goes on, though not at a pace because we just don’t do fast anymore. We have a tea towel which lists many of the signs of ageing, more of which I realised this week when I ironed it are becoming parts of our everyday lives.

The weather is getting warmer, the clear skies producing cooler nights, but clouds have been present on and off through the week but I don’t think it has rained. We even had dinner on the Ratigan on Wednesday before Nicky went off for house group - our first al fresco dinner of the season. Claire and I did some successful birthday present shopping for Nicky on Thursday. We didn’t feel we could run to celebrating her 60th with a ballon ride as hoped for by Nicky, so have shelved the idea for a few years.

Yesterday (Saturday) we headed up to the community centre after a late breakfast for a meeting about future community facilities for the Bay. Only us a one Council employee turned up, and non of us were able to find where it was supposed to be. Subtle suspicion that place or date had been changed and we were the only ones who had missed the announcement. We had also planned to go to a house auction down the road at lunchtime, and completely forgot until about 20 minutes after the allotted time. However, Scrabbeling with Stella and Steve went well and I got some sunbathing done in some lovely warm sunshine, so the day was not a complete loss. In the evening we went to the cinema to see The Butler, based on the life story of a White House butler, and it was very good.

Today has been quiet. Nicky went off to prison this morning, though last night she wasn’t sure she would make it. She has caught a bug (or has weekenditis if the role reversal in the household is complete) and was feeling quite low last night, but she was brighter this morning, though not 100%. This afternoon we went to the museum to do some Christmas shopping as they have a 30-40% off sale on - but it would appear to only be for locals as we had to flash our Aucklanders card to get the discount! Great idea.

We are both taking the next three days off as my sister Gill and her husband David arrived for the UK at 7.15am tomorrow morning. It is their first time in NZ, and are off to Queenstown on Thursday to tour the South Island and visit they daughter Rachel.

Bye for now,



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