We are not alone
It would appear, dear reader, that we are not alone. It has come to my notice this week that there are at least TWO other regular viewers of the blog. Amazing!
Anyway, on to this week's exciting adventures. Nicky has been back at work. Not fully recovered but gradually improving. I have had some Mac work too, Friday being a very long day by recent standards.
Claire came over for lunch on Tuesday, and sneaked in a watching of Notting Hill and a massage from me around our trip up the road to Bay Kebab for a burger and a falafel. A couple of weeks back I had a yin to watch "The Full Monty" again, but we don't have it on DVD so I ordered it from the library and it came this week. I watched it one lunchtime and was reminded why it is one of my favourite films. So many of the scenes in Sheffield appear familiar, and I can so easily identify with the characters and their situations. I first saw it not long after being made redundant. I had gone to London for a sales presentation of some new software, but because I was on a SuperSaver ticket I had a few hours to kill before being able to catch a train home. The film was on general release at the time and there just happened to be a cinema showing it in the next few minutes as I walked past.
On Thursday Nicky took a couple of hours out from work to attend the funeral of Gordon Campbell who I think was almost 102 when he died. I made a smoked fish pie with the help of the Hairy Bikers which we thoroughly enjoyed for dinner, twice.
Yesterday we did a couple of loads of washing in the morning (you knew it had to happen, didn't you?) even though the weather wasn't looking as promising as the forecast had suggested. We then caught a bus to Western Spring to visit the Pacifica festival. This is a celebration of the Pacific Island cultures which happens every year. Nicky hasn't been since 1999 I and had never been. It is basically music, dancing, food and crafts. The park has 10 villages, one for each of the main cultures represented in NZ, and they all do their own thing. We sat and watched a number of the stage shows (I liked the hula girls the best 'cos they were the wigglyest (can I have wigglyest?)), enjoyed the sights and smells of all the food stalls, and bought earrings and sarongs from a couple of the craft stalls. We queued for galette's and crepé's for our lunch, which even though they took awhile to get to us we enjoyed. Nicky had a tomato and ricotta galette and a crepé suzette; I had a cheese and ham galette and an apple and cinnamon crepé. We had fun getting the bus home as it just didn't turn up, so we started walking towards St Lukes and found a bus stop with a bus due on its way to New Lynn, so we decided to ride that as far as the lights at Avondale and then walk home along Blockhouse Bay road. By this time, we had had some sun and it was much warmer than we had left home in the morning.
We thoroughly enjoyed our leisurely visit to Pacifica and will go again in a few years. I found the "cultural exposure" quite interesting. We are still watching a series of programmes on DVD about the history and experience of immigrants in NZ. Each programme looks at a different incoming culture; Scottish, Irish, English, Indian, Chinese, French, Dutch etc. I have experience all of these before either in the UK or on my travels in Europe. What is different for me in NZ is the influence of the Pacific Islands cultures, and their much more relaxed approach to life. The importance to them of family, food and music came across very strongly at Pacifica. The events tag line was "Turn your clocks to Island Time".

Today has been quiet. No laundry due to damp weather (though I have squeezed some ironing in). Nicky was at church this morning and then made up some lunch to take round to a work colleague in Green Bay who is off sick at the moment, and stayed to chat for awhile.
Weather has been variable this week, with lovely sunny warm days (with cool starts) at the beginning of the week, then a couple of overcast days, followed by a gorgeous blue sky day on Friday and then dry but cloudy yesterday.
Take care,