An Entertaining Week

I can tell from my expanding waistline that we have been involved in quite an entertaining week. On Monday, the vicar (Sarah) and her mum (Glennis) came over for a BBQ. It had been a gorgeous day and it was a lovely way to end it. Nicky had made a coleslaw, I did a potato salad and a green salad, and barbied a few steaks. The visitors brought some great wine, and we finished off with a lemon yoghurt cake and some chocolate cake. Mike Wall was with us too and we had a grand evening. Tuesday was much more humid and ended with rain, but the household was very cheerful as Claire and Ryan came over for pancakes. I made vegan ones with soy milk and no eggs. It took me a little while to get my eye in when cooking them because the soy milk gave the batter a different consistency, but they were very good. I put some on one side for Mike to make into a crepe suzette type dessert. Another good evening of company and food. Wednesday's weather was quite dull. I had a very long walk due to follo...