Collective noun issue
Nicky has been doing her usual at the library this week, punctuating her work with training, meetings and morning and afternoon teas. I don't think a week goes by when there isn't something to justify a gathering for sticky buns. Suggestions of a collective noun for sticky buns are requested. Mine would be "a Paddington of Buns".
I had Monday and Tuesday working at the Election office in Henderson counting special votes. The rest of the week was occupied with getting back into my normal housekeeping routines, doing some Mac work, and lots of shopping - food, birthday and Christmas present. On Thursday I meet Claire for lunch as she finished work in Whitcoulls at 1. We had planned to "do lunch" on her last day at University - November 11th when she sat her last exam - but me taking over as Polling Place Manager scuppered that. We went to Frasers (I think) in Mt Eden and had an excellent lunch (corn fritters for C and eggs benedict with bacon for me) and then had gellato's just up the road. Claire has got her results for this term - 2 A's, a B+ and a B. She had now applied for her degree and is doing the paperwork to attend the graduation ceremony in April.
The weather has been pretty good most of the week, with one day (Thursday I think) being really warm and sunny like summer should be, but with rain at odd other times. One evening while watching the raindrops being illuminated by the sun, we were graced with this wonderful rainbow:
I don't think I have ever seen one so well defined (the photo doesn't do it justice). It was as strong as those we see in children's picture books.
Yesterday was another laundry Saturday. Nicky popped up to the Doctor's for her repeat prescription for her blood pressure and cholesterol drugs. Dr V was very pleased with the state of her health. Then she went on to a carol singing event organised by her church in the BHB library. In the afternoon she made Claire's chocolate and banana birthday cake before playing Scrabble with Steve and Ros while I made her butterscotch birthday cheesecake.
Today Ryan and Claire came over for lunch to celebrate Claire's birthday, so we had a few treats - bagels, parma ham, smoked salmon, Lisa's toppings and salad, followed by The Cake.

The weather has taken a turn today and we expect lots of rain next week. Never mind. The night time temperatures are now in the mid-teens so it is not cold.
And finally, this is post number 250, and counting. Thanks for your reading.
Bye for now,
Take care,