Sorry, we have no Roman walls

Finally, it is Sunday night and I am sitting down to write the blog while Nicky is finishing the ironing and after we have just watched Fair Game - a film about the CIA agent who was publicly named during the Iraq war and the evidence that the US knew all along that there were no WMD's.

Nicky has had another full week at work, though it has not had any major dramatic events. Claire has sat her last exam; her last formal event of her three years of study for her degree. I don't know when she will get the results, but the three years seem to have flown. Some days I feel I am still just getting used to the routine of Claire not doing the bulk of our shopping, cooking and laundry, which is what she did before starting her degree. Now her Whitcoulls hours start to build up as Christmas approaches.

On Tuesday morning Nicky, Claire and Paul (Nicky's brother) met Rachel Cocker at the airport. She had flown in from Buenos Aires after spending the last 10 months or so travelling through South America. After settling in a little and having a walk through the Bay shops down to the beach with Claire, she and Claire spent the afternoon cooking in preparation for today's family lunch. This was at our place to celebrate her return to NZ after 26 years, even though it's only for three weeks. Rachel spent most of Wednesday battling with the Australian Immigration website sorting out her work visa. On Thursday she got a chest X-ray organised at the Aussie's request, and I met her at the radiographers after finishing a Mac job on the North Short. We raided St. Lukes Mall for jeans (unsuccessful) and make-up (successful) for Rachel, and then headed off to Mission Bay for a gelato on the beach. On Friday Rachel took herself off into town for a major exploration and didn't get back until into the evening.

On Saturday the weather started out better than we expected, so we did piles of washing, hung it out, made up a picnic, and Nicky, Rachel and I drove out the Whatipu on the west coast. It started raining, but Rachel hadn't seen a "black beach" before and after while the rain stopped and we found a sheltered spot in the dunes for our lunch and a snooze. As we were getting back to the car it started raining quite steadliy, and the washing was thoroughly wet when we got home. On the way we had Kohu Road ice cream (stunning stuff) and then Steve came over for Scrabble with Nicky and Rachel. Steve and Ros were taking Claire and Ryan out for dinner, and Rachel and Becky joined them. Meanwhile, Nicky and I went off to a house warming at the other end of Exminster Street. The younger daughter of friends of ours has just moved into the property with some flat mates.

On Monday and Tuesday I went to Henderson for training. I am doing some temporary work for the Electoral Commission - we have a General Election on the 26th. On Monday I was trained how to issues votes at an Advanced Voting Facility. From Wednesday onwards there are Advanced Voting Facilities open all over the country for people who will not be able to vote on election day, or just one to get it done early for their own convenience. On Tuesday I was trained in how to do the official count, after the election. I was due to start work at the Polling Station as an Issuing Office on Monday (tomorrow), but on Wednesday afternoon I got a call from the Returning Officers' HR office asking me to step in as the Polling Place Manager on Thursday. I explained that I wasn't able to (as I had some Mac worked booked) but I could start on Friday - which I did. So, the week didn't turn out quite as I had expected, but it has been good.

Today has been sunny most of the day, just a short shower late morning, with a fresh breeze. We had 17 for lunch to officially welcome Rachel to NZ, which was as much fun as usual. Here are a few photos:

That's all for now,

Take care,



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