Harry Potter at last

The major excitement this was Thursday - the release of the new Harry Potter film (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1). We had decided not to go to one of the midnight showings, so Nicky and Ryan both booked annual leave and I booked tickets for the 11am showing in Albany. We had decided to go up the the cinema in Albany as opposed to St Lukes because we prefer the venue, and because I had the idea of going out for a "Hogwarts breakfast" before the film. Googling for somewhere good for breakfast had revealed a café near Albany. However, in the end I decided to cook breakfast at home (bacon, sausage, hash browns, beans, poached eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms and toast, served with freshly squeezed orange and tangelo juice and tea and coffee). We ate at the gate leg table on the patio, which was breezy, not too sunny and very pleasant.

Ryan drove us up to Albany as it seemed pointless going in two cars. We had a wander round the mall after collecting our pre-booked tickets; Nicky had a play with an iPad for the first time and was very taken with it. When we finally got to see the film we enjoyed it - it is the best Potter film yet. They didn't leave out as much as usual and created the atmosphere of menace well.

After the film we went to Albany library for Claire to pick up a Michael Palin DVD and then Repco so that Ryan could get some tools which were on sale. When we got home we had a light lunch which included Cauldron Cakes which I had made on Wednesday. Ryan took Claire of to work for 5 while Nicky made strawberry flans for Friday. It was a very enjoyable day.

Friday also had some excitement. We hosted Netta's leaving party in the evening (Netta is married to Tim, Nicky's cousin). A selection of family members arrived with food as usual. I BBQ'ed some steak and tariaki salmon to go with Nicky's flans, and we had another enjoyable evening before saying god bye to Netta. The BBQ didn't go quite as planned as the weather had been threatening to rain all day, and it did while I was cooking, but fortunately it wasn't too heavy.

Tuesday was my busiest day. I did a massage in the morning. I had given one of my cards to a lady called Linda at the Heart of the Bay event a couple of weeks ago and Nicky made a cake for her son's birthday and took up her offer of some cleaning. Linda offered to pay for a massage for her daughter now that she has finished her exams. In the afternoon I had a meeting with a company who also do Mac support and might need an additional pair of hands from time to time. I don't know if it will lead to any work, but it might. Then in the evening I went to see a new customer to sort out some issues on their Mac. It's the only work I have done this week, so it's better than nothing, but I still hope things pickup soon.

Nicky's week at work has again been busy, and she got paid! This was the first pay run since the SuperCity started and some people have not been paid, so we were quite relieved. We have had three weeks between pay days instead of the usual two because of the change over, and because Waitakere used to pay one week in arrears and one week in advance.

Claire has had one of her quietest weeks, with no extra hours at Whitcoulls, so she has been doing lots of sofa testing. This isn't going to last as she now has her pre-Christmas schedule from work and is going to be very busy.

We started the week with rain on Monday morning, but by lunchtime the sun was out and stayed with us until Thursday, when it became overcast. Friday and Saturday have not been brilliant but the sun has returned today. Temperatures have been good too.

Nicky and I had a quiet day at home yesterday, pottering round the house but doing little outside because of the iffy weather. Nicky had her hair cut, Emma Watson style, and it looks very good. Today when Nicky got back from church she prepared Hogwarts picnics (Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes and Apple Frogs) for Shani, Katie and Tim to have at the cinema while watching the Harry Potter film. This was ours and Steve and Ros's Christmas present to them. Becky went too. I have been doing laundry, ironing and reading. All great fun!

That's all for now,


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