Father's Day

Aside from the earth quake in Christchurch, which hasn't affected us, it has been a quiet week.

Nicky has been busy at the library at usual, and I have had a little Mac work. Claire has been on the second week of her mid-term break. She is back at Uny tomorrow.

Nicky was at a quilting day most of yesterday, came home for awhile in the afternoon and then went off to have her hair cut, call in to see the Moss-Mason's, and then collected Claire from work.

Today has been Father's Day in NZ. Nicky and I went out for a drive this afternoon to have a look at a couple of the bays and beaches to the east of us in Hillsborough. It was good to get some air but they were no more exciting than Blockhouse Bay. Claire and Ryan arrived for tea, which Nicky prepared, so we have had some time together this evening.

Weather has been mixed again; the sun is warm and welcome when it comes out.

That's all for this week.


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