Walking the Motorway

It has been a quieter week for all of us this week. The library hasn't been as busy now that NZ Library Week is over which has been good for Nicky. Claire has been on half term and nobody has been wanting me to fix their Macs, so it has been an opportunity for some father/daughter time. I'm not sure who suffered the most. Nicky took a day off work on Tuesday (which was coincidentally a gorgeous day weather wise) for an induction course. She has joined an outreach group at church to minister at a women's prison. She and three others ladies went off together for the induction which lasted until early afternoon. Nicky and I had a quiet day at home on Saturday doing our usual duties. Nicky popped down to see June (a neighbour on Matata St) in the afternoon, and we went for a wallow in the hot pools at Parakai in the evening, which was very pleasant. On Sunday (today) Nicky and I participated in what I suspect is a bit of a Kiwi tradition - walking along new roads before they ar...