Library Week

Nicky has had a really hectic week this week at work. It has been NZ Library Week. She has spent a lot of time and put a great deal of effort into getting everything ready, along with quizzes, displays and preparing for talks. It has all gone well be she has been really tired. The week is also linked to the Storylines Festival, where she has been working as a volunteer today. Again she is tiered but has had a good day.

So, with a little help from me she had a quiet and relaxing day yesterday. After she took Claire to work and we had breakfasted, we went down to the Community Centre in New Lynn to see an exhibition of the redevelopment plans for the next couple of years. The new transport centre for buses and trains is almost complete. The next phase of the development is a new half kilometre or so of road to take traffic away from the main retail area outside the mall, and the redevelopment of this retail area to be more pedestrian friendly and make better use of the public space. The exhibition was both interesting and informative. Afterwards, Nicky took me over to the railway station as I had not used it since the main entrance opened. I think they are making a good job of things so far.

Once we got home we walked up to one of the local bakeries to buy ourselves a treat for lunch; this turned out to be a couple of pies which we both enjoyed. Oh, the simple pleasures in life!

Claire has had a good week at University - her last before the half term break. She has got some really goods grades back for coursework this week which she is very pleased with, and celebrated on Friday by making shed loads of biscuits - choc chip and Anzac. Most of them went into work for a leaving do on Saturday, but the first batch of choc chip didn't turn out quite as planned so I have been working my way through those…

I have had some Mac work this week, but it is still thin on the ground. I did a modelling job on Wednesday evening which was good and is starting to become a regular twice a term booking. I have also started reading The Lord of the Rings - my first time - and I am finding it better going than I had expected. I watched the films a few ago and I think that helps.

The weather has been pretty wet this week, some very showery days, but I did get laundry dry outside a couple of times. I went out for a walk this morning and when the sun came out in between the showers it was feeling warmer than it has done for a few weeks. The temperatures are regularly getting to the mid-teens now and blossom and spring flowers are becoming more obvious (even to me).

Bye for now,


Unknown said…
Stick with it it's only about 100 times better than the films :-)

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